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(important characteristic)

  • 1 pseudorotation of cyclic molecules can be considered as a specific type of internal rotation with pseudorotation moment of inertia as an important characteristic

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pseudorotation of cyclic molecules can be considered as a specific type of internal rotation with pseudorotation moment of inertia as an important characteristic

  • 2 важная характеристика

    important characteristic

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > важная характеристика

  • 3 важная характеристика

    Русско-Английский новый экономический словарь > важная характеристика

  • 4 характеристика

    characteristic property, index, character, measure, degree, feature, performance, behavior
    Еще одна важная характеристика это... - A further important characteristic is that...
    Однако в общем случае мы заинтересованы в измерении других характеристик... - In general, however, we are interested in measuring other properties of...
    Отметим, что основные характеристики данного принципа состоят в... - The principal features to note are...
    Помимо всего прочего, это характеристика, которая... - This, above all else, is the characteristic that makes...
    Это даст нам необходимую характеристику (чего-л). - This will give us the required characterization of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > характеристика

  • 5 важный

    (см. также важнейший, важность, решающий) important, essential, of importance, significant, main
    Безусловно, имеется важная связь между... - There is indeed a close connection between...
    Безусловно, наиболее важным среди них является... - Certainly the most important among these is...
    В качестве практически важного примера рассмотрим... - As an example of practical importance we consider...
    Важное преимущество такой переформулировки состоит в том, что... - An important advantage of this reformulation is that...
    Важным и одновременно интересным является то, что... - It is interesting and important to notice that...
    Для наших целей эти детали не являются важными. - For our purposes the details are not important.
    Другим важным замечанием является то, что... - Another important remark is that...
    Другой важный пример этого принципа встречается, когда... - Another important example of this principle occurs when...
    Еще одна важная характеристика - это... - A further important characteristic is that...
    Здесь мы уже сделали два важных предположения. - Here we have made two important assumptions.
    Здесь появляется важный момент. - An important point arises here.
    Значительно более важным для наших целей является... - Far more important for our purposes is...
    Из теоремы 1 мы легко выводим ряд важных следствий. - From Theorem l we easily deduce a number of important consequences.
    Имеется жизненно важное различие между... - There is a vitally important distinction between...
    Имеются два важных отличия. - There are two important distinctions.
    Информация в данной статье жизненно важна в вопросах эффективности... - The information in this paper is vital to the effectiveness of...
    Итак, мы приходим к важному заключению, что... - We thus come to the important conclusion that...
    Между... нет важного различия. - There is no appreciable difference between...
    Мы можем сформулировать два важных заключения. - We may draw two important conclusions.
    Наиболее важным случаем является тот, в котором... - The most important case is that in which...
    Наиболее важным является тот факт, что... - Most important is the fact that...
    Наиболее важными результатами являются результаты, касающиеся (= связанные с)... - The most important results are those concerning...
    Необходимо заметить, что в той же мере важным является тот факт, что... - But equally important, one should notice, is the fact that...
    Однако более важным было наблюдение, что... - More significant; however, was the observation that...
    Однако в не меньшей степени важным является предположение, что... - Equally important, however, is the assumption that...
    Однако важное исключение из этого (правила и т. п.) предоставляется (чем-л). - However, an important exception to this is provided by...
    Однако здесь важным моментом является то, что... - But the important point here is that...
    Однако значительно более важное замечание состоит в том, что... - However, a considerably more important observation is that...
    Однако наиболее важным из всех требований является надежность. - But the most important requirement of all is reliability.
    Однако наиболее важным наблюдением является то, что... - The most important observation, however, is that...
    Однако существуют важные специальные случаи, когда... - There are, however, important special cases when...
    Одним (таким) важным приложением является следующее. - One important application is the following.
    Одним важным вопросом является вопрос, действительно ли... - One important question is whether...
    Одно приложение данного принципа является особенно важным. - One application of this principle is especially important.
    Особенно важным для наших целей является случай... - Particularly important for our purposes is the case of...
    Остается один важный момент, который следует упомянуть. - One important point remains to be mentioned.
    Сделаем теперь три важных замечания. - Three important remarks are in order.
    Сейчас мы введем одно из самых важных (определений, понятий и т. п.)... - We now introduce one of the most important...
    Следующий очень важный результат является основой для... - The following very important result is the basis for...
    Следующим важным открытием было то, что... - A further important discovery was that...
    Существенно более важным случаем является тот, когда... - By far the most important case is that in which...
    Тем не менее, зависимость переменной Р от Q чрезвычайно важна. - Nevertheless, the dependence of P on Q is very important.
    Теперь мы доказываем важную теорему, принадлежащую Банаху. - We now prove an important theorem due to Banach.
    Физически эта ситуация не очень важна, поскольку... - Physically this situation is not very important, since...
    Эта статья является важной для всех, кто работает в области... - This paper is important to all those working in the field of...
    Эта статья является важной по трем причинам. - This paper is important for three reasons.
    Эта статья является важной, поскольку она... - This paper is important because it...
    Эта статья является решающей для показа... - This paper is crucial in demonstrating... '
    Эти важные результаты имели далеко идущие последствия. - The results were of far reaching importance.
    Это важная модификация, потому что... - This is an important modification, because...
    Это важный результат. Он показывает, что... - This is an important result. It says that...
    Это неоценимое (= чрезвычайно важное) орудие при изучении... - It is an indispensable tool in the study of...
    Это означает, что... является весьма важным/важной. - This means that considerable importance is attached to...
    Это оказывается важным наблюдением, потому что... - This happens to be an important observation, because...
    Это очень важный момент. - This is a very important point.
    Это практически важный случай, потому что... - This is an important case in practice because...
    Это приводит нас к важному свойству... - This leads us to an important property of...
    Это решающе важная концепция, так как... - This is a crucially important concept since...
    Это чрезвычайно важный результат, поскольку он позволяет нам... - This is an exceedingly important result, as it enables us to...
    Этот метод анализа особенно важен, потому что... - This method of analysis is particularly important because...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > важный

  • 6 point

    1. noun
    1) (tiny mark, dot) Punkt, der
    2) (sharp end of tool, weapon, pencil, etc.) Spitze, die

    come to a [sharp] point — spitz zulaufen

    at gun-point/knife-point — mit vorgehaltener [Schuss]waffe/vorgehaltenem Messer

    not to put too fine a point on it(fig.) um nichts zu beschönigen

    3) (single item) Punkt, der

    agree on a pointin einem Punkt od. einer Frage übereinstimmen

    be a point of honour with somebody — für jemanden [eine] Ehrensache sein

    4) (unit of scoring) Punkt, der

    score points off somebody(fig.) jemanden an die Wand spielen

    things have reached a point where or come to such a point that... — die Sache ist dahin od. so weit gediehen, dass...; (negatively) es ist so weit gekommen, dass...

    up to a pointbis zu einem gewissen Grad

    she was abrupt to the point of rudenesssie war in einer Weise barsch, die schon an Unverschämtheit grenzte

    6) (moment) Zeitpunkt, der

    be at/on the point of something — kurz vor etwas (Dat.) sein; einer Sache (Dat.) nahe sein

    be on the point of doing somethingim Begriff sein, etwas zu tun; etwas gerade tun wollen

    7) (distinctive trait) Seite, die

    best/strong point — starke Seite; Stärke, die

    the point(essential thing) das Entscheidende

    8) (thing to be discussed)

    that is just the point or the whole point — das ist genau der springende Punkt

    come to or get to the point — zur Sache od. zum Thema kommen

    keep or stick to the point — beim Thema bleiben

    be beside the point — unerheblich sein; keine Rolle spielen

    carry or make one's point — sich durchsetzen

    make a point of doing something — [großen] Wert darauf legen, etwas zu tun

    make or prove a point — etwas beweisen

    you have a point thereda hast du recht; da ist [et]was dran (ugs.)

    9) (tip) Spitze, die; (Boxing) Kinnspitze, die; Kinn, das; (Ballet) Spitze, die
    10) (of story, joke, remark) Pointe, die; (pungency, effect) (of literary work) Eindringlichkeit, die; (of remark) Durchschlagskraft, die
    11) (purpose, value) Zweck, der; Sinn, der

    there's no point in protestinges hat keinen Sinn od. Zweck zu protestieren

    12) (precise place, spot) Punkt, der; Stelle, die; (Geom.) Punkt, der

    point of contact — Berührungspunkt, der

    point of no return — Punkt, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt

    point of view(fig.) Standpunkt, der

    13) (Brit.)

    [power or electric] point — Steckdose, die

    14) usu in pl. (Brit. Railw.) Weiche, die
    15) usu. in pl. (Motor Veh.): (contact device) Kontakt, der

    prices/the cost of living went up three points — die Preise/Lebenshaltungskosten sind um drei [Prozent]punkte gestiegen

    17) (on compass) Strich, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) zeigen, weisen, [Person auch:] deuten (to, at auf + Akk.)

    point towards or to — (fig.) [hin]deuten od. hinweisen auf (+ Akk.)

    3. transitive verb
    1) (direct) richten [Waffe, Kamera] (at auf + Akk.)

    point one's finger at something/somebody — mit dem Finger auf etwas/jemanden deuten od. zeigen od. weisen

    2) (Building) aus-, verfugen [Mauer, Steine]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/108004/point_out">point out
    * * *
    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) die Spitze
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) die Landspitze
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) der Punkt
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) der Punkt
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) der Punkt
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) der Punkt
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) der Kompaßstrich
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) der Punkt
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) der Punkt
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) der Zweck
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) die Eigenschaft
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) der Kontakt
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) richten
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) zeigen
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) verfugen
    - pointed
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (sharp end) Spitze f; of a star Zacke f; of deer Ende nt fachspr, Sprosse f fachspr
    the \point of the chin die Kinnspitze
    knife/pencil \point Messer-/Bleistiftspitze f
    to hold sb at gun\point/knife \point jdn mit vorgehaltener Pistole/vorgehaltenem Messer bedrohen
    2. (dot) Punkt m
    \point of light Lichtpunkt m
    3. (punctuation mark) Punkt; (in Hebrew) Vokalzeichen nt
    4. (decimal point) Komma
    decimal \point Dezimalpunkt m
    5. (position) Stelle f, Punkt m
    ... at London and all \points west... in London und allen Orten westlich davon
    \point of contact Berührungspunkt m
    \point of departure [or starting \point] Ausgangspunkt m a. fig
    \point of entry (border) Ort m der Einreise; (bullet wound) Einschussstelle f
    to reach the \point of no return den Punkt erreichen, an dem man nicht mehr zurück kann
    at this \point an dieser Stelle
    6. (particular time) Zeitpunkt m
    this seems like a good \point dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein
    she was on the \point of collapse sie stand kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch
    I was completely lost at one \point an einer Stelle hatte ich mich komplett verlaufen
    when it comes to the \point that... wenn es einmal so weit kommt, dass...
    they tickled him to the \point of torture sie kitzelten ihn so sehr, dass es fast zur Folter wurde
    at no \point did I think our relationship wouldn't work out zu keinem Zeitpunkt hatte ich daran gezweifelt, dass es zwischen uns nicht klappen würde
    to be [or lie] at the \point of death an der Schwelle des Todes stehen geh, im Sterben liegen
    at this/that \point in time zu dieser/jener Zeit
    at that \point zu diesem Zeitpunkt; (then) in diesem Augenblick
    from that \point on... von da an...
    7. (about to do)
    to be on the \point of doing sth [gerade] im Begriff sein, etw zu tun
    I was on the \point of ringing you myself actually ich wollte dich auch gerade anrufen!
    she was on the \point of telling him the truth when... sie wollte ihm gerade die Wahrheit sagen, als...
    I was on the \point of handing in my resignation beinahe hätte ich gekündigt
    I was on the \point of leaving him ich war kurz davor, ihn zu verlassen
    8. (argument, issue) Punkt m
    ok ok, you've made your \point! ja, ich hab's jetzt verstanden! fam
    you made some interesting \points in your speech Sie haben in Ihrer Rede einige interessante Punkte angesprochen
    what \point are you trying to make? worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
    you have a \point there da ist was dran fam
    she does have a \point though so ganz Unrecht hat sie nicht
    she made the \point that... sie wies darauf hin, dass...; (stress) sie betonte, dass...
    my \point was that... ich wollte sagen, dass...
    my \point exactly das sag ich ja fam
    ok, \point taken o.k., ich hab schon begriffen fam
    that's a \point das ist ein Argument sl
    I take your \point einverstanden
    I can see your \point ich weiß, was du sagen willst
    the \point under dispute der strittige Punkt
    \point of detail Detailfrage f
    to make [or raise] a \point in favour of/against sth ein Argument für etw akk /gegen etw akk einbringen
    to drive home the \point seinen Standpunkt klarmachen
    \point of honour Ehrensache f
    \point of law Rechtsfrage f
    a 5-\point plan ein Fünfpunkteplan m
    to make/prove one's \point seinen Standpunkt deutlich machen
    \point by \point Punkt für Punkt
    9. no pl (most important idea)
    the \point der springende Punkt
    the \point is... der Punkt ist nämlich der,...
    more to the \point, however,... wichtiger jedoch ist...
    your arguments were very much to the \point deine Argumente waren wirklich sehr sachbezogen
    that's beside the \point [or not the \point]! darum geht es doch gar nicht!
    to come [or get] to the \point auf den Punkt [o zur Sache] kommen
    to get the \point of sth etw verstehen
    to keep [or stick] to the \point beim Thema bleiben
    to make a \point of doing sth [großen] Wert darauf legen, etw zu tun
    to miss the \point of sth nicht verstehen [o begreifen], worum es geht
    10. no pl (purpose) Sinn m, Zweck m
    but that's the whole \point! aber das ist doch genau der Punkt!
    what's the \point of waiting for them? warum sollten wir auf sie warten?
    there's no \point of talking about it any longer es hat keinen Zweck, sich noch länger darüber zu unterhalten
    I really don't see the \point of going to this meeting ich weiß wirklich nicht, warum ich zu dieser Besprechung gehen sollte
    but that's the whole \point of doing it! aber deswegen machen wir es ja gerade!
    what's the \point anyway? was soll's?
    11. (stage in process) Punkt m
    from that \point on... von diesem Moment an...
    the high \point of the evening... der Höhepunkt des Abends...
    things have reached a \point where I just can't bear it any longer ich bin an einen Punkt angelangt, wo ich es einfach nicht mehr aushalten kann
    it got to the \point where no one knew what was going on irgendwann wusste dann keiner mehr, was Sache war
    ... when it came to the \point...... als es soweit war,...
    we'll start again tomorrow from the \point where we left off today wir werden morgen da weitermachen, wo wir heute aufgehört haben
    up to a \point bis zu einem gewissen Grad [o Maße
    being single does have its \points single zu sein hat auch seine Vorteile
    bad/good \points schlechte/gute Seiten
    the book has its \points das Buch hat auch seine guten Seiten
    sb's strong \points jds Stärken
    sb's weak \points jds Schwächen
    13. (in sports) Punkt m
    San Francisco has scored 31 \points San Francisco hat 31 Punkte erzielt
    a win on \points ein Sieg m nach Punkten
    to win on \points nach Punkten siegen
    14. (unit) STOCKEX Punkt m; (with prices) [Prozent]punkt m
    to have risen seven \points sieben Punkte gestiegen sein
    15. (for diamonds) 0,01 Karat
    16. (on compass) Strich m; (on thermometer) Grad m
    17. (in bridge) Punkt m
    18. BOXING Kinnspitze f
    19. (in ballet) Spitze f
    to dance on \points auf Spitzen tanzen
    20. BRIT, AUS (socket) Steckdose f
    21. AUTO
    \points pl Unterbrecherkontakte pl
    \points pl Weichen pl
    23. (promontory) Landspitze f
    24. TYPO Punkt m
    the small letters are in 6 \point die kleinen Buchstaben haben Schriftgröße 6 Punkt
    25. (cricket) Position in der Nähe des Schlagmannes
    \points pl of horse, dog Extremitäten pl
    27. (punch line) of a story Pointe f
    to be a good case in \point [für etw akk] ein gutes Beispiel sein
    sb makes a \point of doing sth für jdn ist es wichtig, etw zu tun
    I know the door was locked because I made a point of checking it ich weiß, dass die Tür abgeschlossen war, weil ich extra nochmal nachgesehen habe
    to not put too fine a \point on sth nicht um den heißen Brei herumreden fam
    not to put too fine a \point on it,... ehrlich gesagt...
    1. (with finger) deuten, zeigen
    to \point at [or to] sth/sb [mit dem Finger] auf etw/jdn zeigen
    it's rude to \point at people man zeigt nicht mit dem Finger auf Leute
    2. (be directed) weisen
    there was an arrow \pointing to the door ein Pfeil wies den Weg zur Tür
    the needle was \pointing to ‘empty’ die Nadel zeigte auf ‚leer‘
    to \point east/west nach Osten/Westen weisen [o zeigen
    to \point to sth auf etw akk hinweisen [o hindeuten]
    all the signs \point to his reinstatement alles deutet darauf hin, dass er wieder eingestellt wird
    4. (use as evidence)
    to \point to sth auf etw akk verweisen
    5. HUNT dog vorstehen
    to \point sth at sb/sth weapon etw [auf jdn/etw] richten; stick, one's finger mit etw dat auf jdn/etw zeigen
    to \point the finger [at sb] ( fig) sich akk [über jdn] beschweren
    to \point sb in the direction of sth jdn den Weg zu etw dat beschreiben
    could you \point me in the direction of the bus station, please? könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Busbahnhof komme?
    to \point the way [to sth] ( fig) den Weg [für etw akk] ebnen
    3. (extend)
    to \point one's toes die Zehen strecken
    to \point sth etw verfugen [o ausfugen
    5. HUNT
    to \point sth dog etw anzeigen
    to \point sth etw interpunktieren fachspr; (in Hebrew) etw vokalisieren
    to \point a psalm einen Psalm mit Deklamationszeichen versehen
    * * *
    point [pɔınt]
    A s
    1. (Nadel-, Messer-, Schwert-, Bleistift- etc) Spitze f:
    not put too fine a point upon sth etwas nicht gerade gewählt ausdrücken;
    at the point of the pistol mit vorgehaltener Pistole oder Waffe, mit Waffengewalt;
    at the point of the sword fig unter Zwang, mit Gewalt
    2. obs
    a) Dolch m
    b) Schwert n
    3. TECH spitzes Instrument, besonders
    a) Stecheisen n
    b) Grabstichel m, Griffel m
    c) Radier-, Ätznadel f
    d) Ahle f
    4. GEOG
    a) Landspitze f
    b) Bergspitze f
    5. JAGD (Geweih)Ende n, Sprosse f
    6. pl Gliedmaßen pl (besonders von Pferden)
    7. LING Punkt m (am Satzende)
    8. TYPO
    a) Punktur f
    b) (typografischer) Punkt (= 0,376 mm)
    c) Punkt m (Blindenschrift)
    9. MATH (geometrischer) Punkt: intersection 2, 3 a
    10. MATH (Dezimal) Punkt m, Komma n:
    (nought) point three ( in Ziffern: 0.3 oder.3) null Komma drei (0,3);
    9 points fig 90%, fast das Ganze;
    possession is nine points of the law (Sprichwort) der Besitzende hat fast immer das Gesetz auf seiner Seite
    11. auch point of the compass Kompassstrich m
    12. Punkt m:
    a) bestimmte Stelle
    b) PHYS Grad m (einer Skala), Stufe f ( auch TECH eines Schalters):
    4 points below zero 4 Grad unter null;
    point of contact Berührungspunkt;
    point of impact MIL Aufschlag-, Auftreffpunkt;
    a) FLUG Gefahrenmitte f, Umkehrgrenzpunkt m,
    b) fig Punkt, von dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt;
    up to a point fig bis zu einem gewissen Grad; boiling point, freezing A 1, etc
    13. GEOG Himmelsrichtung f
    14. Punkt m, Stelle f, Ort m:
    point of destination Bestimmungsort;
    point of entry WIRTSCH Eingangshafen m;
    point of lubrication TECH Schmierstelle f, Schmiernippel m
    15. Anschluss-, Verbindungspunkt m, besonders
    a) ELEK Kontakt(punkt) m
    b) ELEK Br Steckdose f
    16. Grenz-, Höhe-, Gipfelpunkt m, Grenze f:
    point of culmination Kulminations-, Höhepunkt;
    frankness to the point of insult Offenheit, die schon an Beleidigung grenzt;
    it gave a point to their day das setzte ihrem Tag ein Glanzlicht auf
    17. a) auch point of time Zeitpunkt m, Augenblick m
    b) kritischer Punkt, entscheidendes Stadium:
    when it came to the point als es so weit war, als es darauf ankam;
    at this point in diesem Augenblick, weitS. an dieser Stelle, hier (in einer Rede etc);
    at the point of death im Sterben, im Augenblick des Todes;
    be on the point of doing sth im Begriff oder auf dem Sprung sein, etwas zu tun;
    18. Punkt m (einer Tagesordnung etc), (Einzel-, Teil)Frage f:
    a case in point ein einschlägiger Fall, ein (typisches) Beispiel;
    at all points in allen Punkten, in jeder Hinsicht;
    differ on several points in etlichen Punkten nicht übereinstimmen;
    point of comparison Vergleichspunkt;
    a point of interest eine interessante Einzelheit;
    point of order PARL Antrag m zur Geschäftsordnung;
    five-point plan Fünfpunkteplan m; controversy 3, order A 7, question A 2
    19. entscheidender oder springender Punkt, Kernpunkt m, -frage f:
    come (speak) to the point zur Sache kommen (sprechen);
    a) nicht zur Sache gehörig, abwegig,
    b) unwichtig, unerheblich;
    be beside the point auch nichts zur Sache tun;
    to the point zur Sache (gehörig), sachdienlich, sachlich, (zu-)treffend;
    make a point ein Argument anbringen, seine Ansicht durchsetzen;
    the point I’m trying to make is that … was ich sagen will, ist, dass …;
    a) Wert oder Gewicht legen auf (akk), bestehen auf (dat),
    b) sich etwas zum Prinzip machen;
    make the point that … bemerken, dass …;
    that is the point das ist die Frage oder der springende Punkt;
    that’s not the point darum geht es nicht;
    the point is that … die Sache ist die, dass …;
    that’s the point I wanted to make darauf wollte ich hinaus;
    you have a point there es ist etwas dran an dem, was Sie sagen;
    I take your point ich verstehe, was Sie meinen;
    it hasn’t got much point es ist nicht sehr wichtig
    20. Pointe f (eines Witzes etc)
    21. auch point of view Stand-, Gesichtspunkt m, Ansicht f:
    from a political point of view vom politischen Standpunkt aus (gesehen), politisch gesehen;
    make sth a point of hono(u)r etwas als Ehrensache betrachten;
    it’s a point of hono(u)r to him das ist Ehrensache für ihn;
    in point of hinsichtlich (gen);
    in point of fact tatsächlich; press A 13, stretch A 11
    22. Ziel n, Zweck m, Absicht f:
    carry ( oder make) one’s point sich oder seine Ansicht durchsetzen;
    what’s the point of doing that? was für einen Sinn oder Zweck hat es, das zu tun?;
    what’s your point in doing that? was bezweckst du damit?;
    there is no point in going there es hat keinen Zweck oder es ist sinnlos hinzugehen
    23. Nachdruck m:
    give point to one’s words seinen Worten Gewicht oder Nachdruck verleihen
    24. (hervorstechende) Eigenschaft, (Charakter)Zug m:
    good (bad) points gute (schlechte) Eigenschaften;
    a noble point in her ein edler Zug an ihr;
    strong point starke Seite, Stärke f;
    weak point wunder Punkt, schwache Seite;
    it has its points es hat so seine Vorzüge
    25. Tierzucht: besonderes Rassenmerkmal
    26. Punkt m (eines Bewertungs- oder Rationierungssystems):
    point rationing Punktrationierung f
    27. WIRTSCH Börsensprache: Punkt m, Point m (bei Kursschwankungen)
    28. SPORT Punkt m:
    three points from three games drei Punkte aus drei Spielen;
    be on five points bei fünf Punkten liegen;
    win (lose) on points nach Punkten gewinnen (verlieren);
    points defeat Punktniederlage f;
    points win Punktsieg m, Sieg m nach Punkten;
    winner on points, points winner Punktsieger(in);
    beat sb on points jemanden nach Punkten schlagen;
    be in the points auf einem Punkterang liegen;
    finish out of the points außerhalb der Punkteränge enden;
    a) jemandem vorgeben,
    b) fig jemandem überlegen sein;
    be points better than sb fig jemandem hoch überlegen sein; score B 1
    29. Boxen: Punkt m, Kinnspitze f
    30. Würfel-, Kartenspiel: Auge n, Punkt m
    a) Näh-, Nadelspitze f (Ggs Klöppelspitze)
    b) Handarbeitsspitze f
    c) point lace
    d) Stickstich m
    32. MUS
    a) Stakkatopunkt m
    b) Wiederholungszeichen n
    c) charakteristisches Motiv
    d) Imitationsmotiv n
    e) (Themen) Einsatz m
    33. MIL
    a) Spitze f (einer Vorhut)
    b) Ende n (einer Nachhut)
    34. JAGD Stehen n (des Hundes):
    make ( oder come to) a point (vor)stehen (vor dem Wild)
    35. BAHN
    a) Weiche f
    b) Br Weichenschiene f
    36. Heraldik: Feld n (eines Wappens)
    37. potatoes and point sl Kartoffeln mit ohne was dazu
    B v/t
    1. einen Bleistift etc (an-, zu)spitzen
    2. fig seine Worte etc pointieren, betonen
    3. eine Waffe etc richten (at auf akk):
    point one’s finger at sb
    a) (mit dem Finger) auf jemanden deuten oder zeigen,
    b) auch point a ( oder the) finger at sb fig mit Fingern oder dem Finger auf jemanden zeigen;
    point (up)on seine Augen, Gedanken etc richten auf (akk);
    point to den Kurs, jemandes Aufmerksamkeit lenken auf (akk), jemanden bringen auf (akk)
    4. zeigen:
    point the way den Weg weisen (a. fig);
    a) zeigen,
    b) fig hinweisen oder aufmerksam machen auf (akk), betonen,
    c) fig aufzeigen (auch Fehler), klarmachen,
    d) fig ausführen, darlegen;
    point out to sb that … jemanden darauf aufmerksam machen, dass …
    5. auch point up fig betonen, unterstreichen ( beide:
    with mit)
    6. MATH Dezimalstellen durch einen Punkt oder ein Komma trennen:
    point off places Stellen abstreichen
    a) ARCH verfugen,
    b) TECH eine Fuge glatt streichen
    8. JAGD einem Wild vorstehen
    C v/i
    1. (mit dem Finger) deuten, weisen ( beide:
    at, to auf akk)
    2. point to nach einer Richtung weisen oder liegen (Haus)
    3. point to fig
    a) hinweisen, -deuten auf (akk):
    b) ab-, hinzielen auf (akk)
    4. SCHIFF hart am Wind segeln
    5. JAGD vorstehen (Jagdhund)
    6. MED reifen (Abszess etc)
    pt abk
    1. part T.
    3. pint ( pints pl)
    5. port
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (tiny mark, dot) Punkt, der
    2) (sharp end of tool, weapon, pencil, etc.) Spitze, die

    come to a [sharp] point — spitz zulaufen

    at gun-point/knife-point — mit vorgehaltener [Schuss]waffe/vorgehaltenem Messer

    not to put too fine a point on it(fig.) um nichts zu beschönigen

    3) (single item) Punkt, der

    agree on a pointin einem Punkt od. einer Frage übereinstimmen

    be a point of honour with somebody — für jemanden [eine] Ehrensache sein

    4) (unit of scoring) Punkt, der

    score points off somebody(fig.) jemanden an die Wand spielen

    5) (stage, degree)

    things have reached a point where or come to such a point that... — die Sache ist dahin od. so weit gediehen, dass...; (negatively) es ist so weit gekommen, dass...

    she was abrupt to the point of rudeness — sie war in einer Weise barsch, die schon an Unverschämtheit grenzte

    6) (moment) Zeitpunkt, der

    be at/on the point of something — kurz vor etwas (Dat.) sein; einer Sache (Dat.) nahe sein

    be on the point of doing something — im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun; etwas gerade tun wollen

    7) (distinctive trait) Seite, die

    best/strong point — starke Seite; Stärke, die

    the point (essential thing) das Entscheidende

    that is just the point or the whole point — das ist genau der springende Punkt

    come to or get to the point — zur Sache od. zum Thema kommen

    keep or stick to the point — beim Thema bleiben

    be beside the point — unerheblich sein; keine Rolle spielen

    carry or make one's point — sich durchsetzen

    make a point of doing something — [großen] Wert darauf legen, etwas zu tun

    make or prove a point — etwas beweisen

    you have a point there — da hast du recht; da ist [et]was dran (ugs.)

    9) (tip) Spitze, die; (Boxing) Kinnspitze, die; Kinn, das; (Ballet) Spitze, die
    10) (of story, joke, remark) Pointe, die; (pungency, effect) (of literary work) Eindringlichkeit, die; (of remark) Durchschlagskraft, die
    11) (purpose, value) Zweck, der; Sinn, der

    there's no point in protestinges hat keinen Sinn od. Zweck zu protestieren

    12) (precise place, spot) Punkt, der; Stelle, die; (Geom.) Punkt, der

    point of contact — Berührungspunkt, der

    point of no return — Punkt, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt

    point of view(fig.) Standpunkt, der

    13) (Brit.)

    [power or electric] point — Steckdose, die

    14) usu in pl. (Brit. Railw.) Weiche, die
    15) usu. in pl. (Motor Veh.): (contact device) Kontakt, der
    16) (unit in competition, rationing, stocks, shares, etc.) Punkt, der

    prices/the cost of living went up three points — die Preise/Lebenshaltungskosten sind um drei [Prozent]punkte gestiegen

    17) (on compass) Strich, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) zeigen, weisen, [Person auch:] deuten (to, at auf + Akk.)

    point towards or to — (fig.) [hin]deuten od. hinweisen auf (+ Akk.)

    3. transitive verb
    1) (direct) richten [Waffe, Kamera] (at auf + Akk.)

    point one's finger at something/somebody — mit dem Finger auf etwas/jemanden deuten od. zeigen od. weisen

    2) (Building) aus-, verfugen [Mauer, Steine]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (Typography) n.
    typographischer Punkt (Schriftgrößenskala) m. n.
    Einzelheit f.
    Punkt -e m.
    Spitze -n (Kinn-, Messer-) f.
    Standpunkt m. v.
    zeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > point

  • 7 винтовая клемма

    1. terminal block witn screw connection
    2. screw-clamp terminal block
    3. screw terminal block
    4. screw connector terminal


    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 - Корпус клеммы
    2 - Винт
    3 - Отвертка
    4 - Маркировочный элемент
    5 - Вводное отверстие
    6 - Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 - Изоляция проводника
    8 - Корпус винтового зажима
    9 - Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 - Монтажная рейка
    2 - Корп винтового зажима
    3 - Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 - Маркировочные элементы
    7 - Перемычка

    Рис. Phoenix Contact Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the "Reakdyn principle", a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.
    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии "Reakdyn principle", разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.
    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.
    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]




    Обобщающие термины



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > винтовая клемма

  • 8 screw connector terminal

    1. винтовая клемма


    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 - Корпус клеммы
    2 - Винт
    3 - Отвертка
    4 - Маркировочный элемент
    5 - Вводное отверстие
    6 - Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 - Изоляция проводника
    8 - Корпус винтового зажима
    9 - Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 - Монтажная рейка
    2 - Корп винтового зажима
    3 - Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 - Маркировочные элементы
    7 - Перемычка

    Рис. Phoenix Contact Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the "Reakdyn principle", a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.
    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии "Reakdyn principle", разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.
    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.
    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]




    Обобщающие термины



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screw connector terminal

  • 9 screw terminal block

    1. винтовая клемма


    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 - Корпус клеммы
    2 - Винт
    3 - Отвертка
    4 - Маркировочный элемент
    5 - Вводное отверстие
    6 - Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 - Изоляция проводника
    8 - Корпус винтового зажима
    9 - Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 - Монтажная рейка
    2 - Корп винтового зажима
    3 - Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 - Маркировочные элементы
    7 - Перемычка

    Рис. Phoenix Contact Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the "Reakdyn principle", a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.
    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии "Reakdyn principle", разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.
    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.
    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]




    Обобщающие термины



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screw terminal block

  • 10 screw-clamp terminal block

    1. винтовая клемма


    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 - Корпус клеммы
    2 - Винт
    3 - Отвертка
    4 - Маркировочный элемент
    5 - Вводное отверстие
    6 - Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 - Изоляция проводника
    8 - Корпус винтового зажима
    9 - Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 - Монтажная рейка
    2 - Корп винтового зажима
    3 - Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 - Маркировочные элементы
    7 - Перемычка

    Рис. Phoenix Contact Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the "Reakdyn principle", a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.
    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии "Reakdyn principle", разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.
    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.
    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]




    Обобщающие термины



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screw-clamp terminal block

  • 11 terminal block witn screw connection

    1. винтовая клемма


    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 - Корпус клеммы
    2 - Винт
    3 - Отвертка
    4 - Маркировочный элемент
    5 - Вводное отверстие
    6 - Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 - Изоляция проводника
    8 - Корпус винтового зажима
    9 - Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 - Монтажная рейка
    2 - Корп винтового зажима
    3 - Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 - Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 - Маркировочные элементы
    7 - Перемычка

    Рис. Phoenix Contact Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the "Reakdyn principle", a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.
    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии "Reakdyn principle", разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.
    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.
    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]




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    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > terminal block witn screw connection

  • 12 point

    [pɔɪnt] n
    1) ( sharp end) Spitze f; of a star Zacke f; of deer Ende nt fachspr, Sprosse f fachspr;
    the \point of the chin die Kinnspitze;
    knife/pencil \point Messer-/Bleistiftspitze f;
    to hold sb at gun\point/knife-\point jdn mit vorgehaltener Pistole/vorgehaltenem Messer bedrohen
    2) ( dot) Punkt m;
    \point of light Lichtpunkt m
    3) ( punctuation mark) Punkt;
    ( in Hebrew) Vokalzeichen nt
    4) ( decimal point) Komma;
    decimal \point Dezimalpunkt m
    5) ( position) Stelle f, Punkt m;
    ... at London and all \points west... in London und allen Orten westlich davon;
    \point of contact Berührungspunkt m;
    \point of departure [or starting \point] Ausgangspunkt m (a. fig)
    \point of entry ( border) Ort m der Einreise;
    ( bullet wound) Einschussstelle f;
    to reach the \point of no return den Punkt erreichen, an dem man nicht mehr zurück kann;
    at this \point an dieser Stelle
    6) ( particular time) Zeitpunkt m;
    this seems like a good \point dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein;
    she was on the \point of collapse sie stand kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch;
    I was completely lost at one \point an einer Stelle hatte ich mich komplett verlaufen;
    when it comes to the \point that... wenn es einmal so weit kommt, dass...;
    they tickled him to the \point of torture sie kitzelten ihn so sehr, dass es fast zur Folter wurde;
    at no \point did I think our relationship wouldn't work out zu keinem Zeitpunkt hatte ich daran gezweifelt, dass es zwischen uns nicht klappen würde;
    to be [or lie] at the \point of death an der Schwelle des Todes stehen ( geh), im Sterben liegen;
    at this/that \point in time zu dieser/jener Zeit;
    at that \point zu diesem Zeitpunkt;
    ( then) in diesem Augenblick;
    from that \point on... von da an...
    to be on the \point of doing sth [gerade] im Begriff sein, etw zu tun;
    I was on the \point of ringing you myself actually ich wollte dich auch gerade anrufen!;
    she was on the \point of telling him the truth when... sie wollte ihm gerade die Wahrheit sagen, als...;
    I was on the \point of handing in my resignation beinahe hätte ich gekündigt;
    I was on the \point of leaving him ich war kurz davor, ihn zu verlassen
    8) (argument, issue) Punkt m;
    ok ok, you've made your \point! ja, ich hab's jetzt verstanden! ( fam)
    you made some interesting \points in your speech Sie haben in Ihrer Rede einige interessante Punkte angesprochen;
    what \point are you trying to make? worauf wollen Sie hinaus?;
    you have a \point there da ist was dran ( fam)
    she does have a \point though so ganz Unrecht hat sie nicht;
    she made the \point that... sie wies darauf hin, dass...;
    ( stress) sie betonte, dass...;
    my \point was that... ich wollte sagen, dass...;
    my \point exactly das sag ich ja ( fam)
    ok, \point taken o.k., ich hab schon begriffen ( fam)
    that's a \point das ist ein Argument (sl)
    I take your \point einverstanden;
    I can see your \point ich weiß, was du sagen willst;
    the \point under dispute der strittige Punkt;
    \point of detail Detailfrage f;
    to make [or raise] a \point in favour of/ against sth ein Argument für etw akk /gegen etw akk einbringen;
    to drive home the \point seinen Standpunkt klarmachen;
    \point of honour Ehrensache f;
    \point of law Rechtsfrage f;
    a 5-\point plan ein Fünfpunkteplan m;
    to make/prove one's \point seinen Standpunkt deutlich machen;
    \point by \point Punkt für Punkt
    the \point der springende Punkt;
    the \point is... der Punkt ist nämlich der,...;
    more to the \point, however,... wichtiger jedoch ist...;
    your arguments were very much to the \point deine Argumente waren wirklich sehr sachbezogen;
    that's beside the \point [or not the \point] ! darum geht es doch gar nicht!;
    to come [or get] to the \point auf den Punkt [o zur Sache] kommen;
    to get the \point of sth etw verstehen;
    to keep [or stick] to the \point beim Thema bleiben;
    to make a \point of doing sth [großen] Wert darauf legen, etw zu tun;
    to miss the \point of sth nicht verstehen [o begreifen], worum es geht
    10) no pl ( purpose) Sinn m, Zweck m;
    but that's the whole \point! aber das ist doch genau der Punkt!;
    what's the \point of waiting for them? warum sollten wir auf sie warten?;
    there's no \point of talking about it any longer es hat keinen Zweck, sich noch länger darüber zu unterhalten;
    I really don't see the \point of going to this meeting ich weiß wirklich nicht, warum ich zu dieser Besprechung gehen sollte;
    but that's the whole \point of doing it! aber deswegen machen wir es ja gerade!;
    what's the \point anyway? was soll's?
    11) ( stage in process) Punkt m;
    from that \point on... von diesem Moment an...;
    the high \point of the evening... der Höhepunkt des Abends...;
    things have reached a \point where I just can't bear it any longer ich bin an einen Punkt angelangt, wo ich es einfach nicht mehr aushalten kann;
    it got to the \point where no one knew what was going on irgendwann wusste dann keiner mehr, was Sache war;
    ... when it came to the \point...... als es so weit war,...;
    we'll start again tomorrow from the \point where we left off today wir werden morgen dort da weitermachen, wo wir heute aufgehört haben;
    up to a \point bis zu einem gewissen Grad [o Maße];
    being single does have its \points Single zu sein hat auch seine Vorteile;
    bad/good \points schlechte/gute Seiten;
    the book has its \points das Buch hat auch seine guten Seiten;
    sb's strong \points jds Stärken pl;
    sb's weak \points jds Schwächen
    13) ( in sports) Punkt m;
    San Francisco has scored 31 \points San Francisco hat 31 Punkte erzielt;
    a win on \points ein Sieg m nach Punkten;
    to win on \points nach Punkten siegen
    14) ( unit) stockex Punkt m; ( with prices) [Prozent]punkt m;
    to have risen seven \points sieben Punkte gestiegen sein
    15) ( for diamonds) 0,01 Karat
    16) ( on compass) Strich m; ( on thermometer) Grad m
    17) ( in bridge) Punkt m
    18) boxing Kinnspitze f
    19) ( in ballet) Spitze f;
    to dance on \points auf Spitzen tanzen
    20) (Brit, Aus) ( socket) Steckdose f
    \points pl Unterbrecherkontakte mpl
    \points pl Weichen fpl
    23) ( promontory) Landspitze f
    24) typo Punkt m;
    the small letters are in 6 \point die kleinen Buchstaben haben Schriftgröße 6 Punkt
    \points pl of horse, dog Extremitäten pl
    to be a good case in \point [für etw akk] ein gutes Beispiel sein;
    to not put too fine a \point on sth nicht um den heißen Brei herumreden ( fam)
    not to put too fine a \point on it,... ehrlich gesagt...;
    sb makes a \point of doing sth für jdn ist es wichtig, etw zu tun;
    I know the door was locked because I made a point of checking it ich weiß, dass die Tür abgeschlossen war, weil ich extra nochmal nachgesehen habe vi
    1) ( with finger) deuten, zeigen;
    to \point at [or to] sth/sb [mit dem Finger] auf etw/jdn zeigen;
    it's rude to \point at people man zeigt nicht mit dem Finger auf Leute
    2) ( be directed) weisen;
    there was an arrow \pointing to the door ein Pfeil wies den Weg zur Tür;
    the needle was \pointing to ‘empty’ die Nadel zeigte auf ‚leer‘;
    to \point east/ west nach Osten/Westen weisen [o zeigen];
    3) ( indicate)
    to \point to sth auf etw akk hinweisen [o hindeuten];
    all the signs \point to his reinstatement alles deutet darauf hin, dass er wieder eingestellt wird
    to \point to sth auf etw akk verweisen
    5) hunt dog vorstehen vt
    1) ( aim)
    to \point sth at sb/ sth weapon etw [auf jdn/etw] richten; stick, one's finger mit etw dat auf jdn/etw zeigen;
    to \point the finger [at sb] ( fig) sich akk [über jdn] beschweren
    2) ( direct)
    to \point sb in the direction of sth jdn den Weg zu etw dat beschreiben;
    could you \point me in the direction of the bus station, please? könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Busbahnhof komme?;
    to \point the way [to sth] ( fig) den Weg [für etw akk] ebnen
    3) ( extend)
    to \point one's toes die Zehen strecken
    4) ( building)
    to \point sth etw verfugen [o ausfugen];
    5) hunt
    to \point sth dog etw anzeigen
    6) ( punctuate)
    to \point sth etw interpunktieren fachspr; ( in Hebrew) etw vokalisieren;
    to \point a psalm einen Psalm mit Deklamationszeichen versehen

    English-German students dictionary > point

  • 13 псевдовращение циклических молекул может рассматриваться как специфический тип внутренн

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > псевдовращение циклических молекул может рассматриваться как специфический тип внутренн

  • 14 característica

    feminine of CARACTERÍSTICO.
    characteristic, aspect, feature, peculiarity.
    * * *
    1 characteristic
    * * *
    1. noun f.
    characteristic, feature, trait
    2. f., (m. - característico)
    * * *
    SF characteristic, feature
    * * *
    1) ( rasgo) feature, characteristic
    2) (Mat) characteristic
    3) (RPl) (Telec) exchange code
    * * *
    = attribute, character, characteristic, feature, peculiarity, trait, contour, distinctive feature, character trait.
    Ex. A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common, and by which isolates can be grouped.
    Ex. Close attention to the role of the computer specialist reveals more of the character of reference activities.
    Ex. Of the two characteristics of indexing, exhaustivity affect two important measures of the efficiency of an information retrieval system.
    Ex. The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.
    Ex. For, as Panizzi saw it, 'A reader may know the work he requires; he cannot be expected to know all the peculiarities of different editions; and this information he has a right to expect from the catalogues'.
    Ex. The reasonable reader readily sees that most of these traits should be acquired and fostered early in life.
    Ex. As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.
    Ex. The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.
    Ex. Personality theory based on genetics is used to trace inherited character traits in European royalty.
    * asumir una característica + Adjetivo = take on + Adjetivo + character.
    * característica común = common denominator.
    * característica de división = characteristic of division.
    * característica de la división = characteristic of division.
    * característica de la subdivisión = characteristic of subdivision.
    * característica del surco = groove characteristic.
    * característica distintiva = stock-in-trade, distinctive feature.
    * característica física = physical characteristic.
    * característica personal = personality trait, personality characteristic.
    * característica propia = trademark.
    * características = profile, face, make-up [makeup].
    * características comunes = commonness.
    * características culturales = cultural background.
    * características económicas = economic background.
    * características geográficas = geographical background.
    * características políticas = political background.
    * características religiosas = religious background.
    * características técnicas = technical specification, technical features, technical data.
    * característica técnica = spec.
    * con las características similares a las de texto = text-like.
    * describir las características de = characterise [characterize, -USA].
    * establecer características = lay down + features.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * URC (Características Uniformes de Recursos) = URC (Uniform Resource Characteristics).
    * * *
    1) ( rasgo) feature, characteristic
    2) (Mat) characteristic
    3) (RPl) (Telec) exchange code
    * * *
    = attribute, character, characteristic, feature, peculiarity, trait, contour, distinctive feature, character trait.

    Ex: A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common, and by which isolates can be grouped.

    Ex: Close attention to the role of the computer specialist reveals more of the character of reference activities.
    Ex: Of the two characteristics of indexing, exhaustivity affect two important measures of the efficiency of an information retrieval system.
    Ex: The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.
    Ex: For, as Panizzi saw it, 'A reader may know the work he requires; he cannot be expected to know all the peculiarities of different editions; and this information he has a right to expect from the catalogues'.
    Ex: The reasonable reader readily sees that most of these traits should be acquired and fostered early in life.
    Ex: As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.
    Ex: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.
    Ex: Personality theory based on genetics is used to trace inherited character traits in European royalty.
    * asumir una característica + Adjetivo = take on + Adjetivo + character.
    * característica común = common denominator.
    * característica de división = characteristic of division.
    * característica de la división = characteristic of division.
    * característica de la subdivisión = characteristic of subdivision.
    * característica del surco = groove characteristic.
    * característica distintiva = stock-in-trade, distinctive feature.
    * característica física = physical characteristic.
    * característica personal = personality trait, personality characteristic.
    * característica propia = trademark.
    * características = profile, face, make-up [makeup].
    * características comunes = commonness.
    * características culturales = cultural background.
    * características económicas = economic background.
    * características geográficas = geographical background.
    * características políticas = political background.
    * características religiosas = religious background.
    * características técnicas = technical specification, technical features, technical data.
    * característica técnica = spec.
    * con las características similares a las de texto = text-like.
    * describir las características de = characterise [characterize, -USA].
    * establecer características = lay down + features.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * URC (Características Uniformes de Recursos) = URC (Uniform Resource Characteristics).

    * * *
    A (rasgo, peculiaridad) feature, characteristic
    B ( Mat) characteristic
    C ( RPl) ( Telec) exchange code
    * * *


    característica sustantivo femenino

    b) (RPl) (Telec) exchange code

    característico,-a adjetivo characteristic: eso es muy característico de Juan, that's typical of Juan
    característica sustantivo femenino characteristic
    ' característica' also found in these entries:
    - común
    - dominar
    - heredar
    - mestizaje
    - particularidad
    - presidir
    - propiedad
    - constante
    - distintivo
    - rasgo
    - feature
    - hooked
    - inner city
    - irony
    - peculiarity
    - quality
    - unpleasantness
    * * *
    1. [rasgo] characteristic, feature
    2. Mat characteristic
    3. Am [prefijo] area code
    * * *
    1 characteristic
    2 L.Am.
    TELEC area code
    * * *
    rasgo: trait, feature, characteristic
    * * *
    característica n characteristic / feature
    ¿cuál es su característica más evidente? what is his most obvious characteristic?

    Spanish-English dictionary > característica

  • 15 feature

    1. noun
    1) usu. in pl. (part of face) Gesichtszug, der
    2) (distinctive characteristic) [charakteristisches] Merkmal

    make a feature of something — etwas [sehr] betonen od. herausstellen

    3) (Journ. etc.) Reportage, die; Feature, das
    4) (Cinemat.)

    feature [film] — Hauptfilm, der; Spielfilm der

    5) (Radio, Telev.)

    feature [programme] — Feature, das

    2. transitive verb
    (make attraction of) vorrangig vorstellen; (give special prominence to) (in film) in der Hauptrolle zeigen; (in show) als Stargast präsentieren
    3. intransitive verb
    1) (be feature) vorkommen
    2) (be [important] participant)

    feature in something — eine [bedeutende] Rolle bei etwas spielen

    * * *
    ['fi: ə] 1. noun
    1) (a mark by which anything is known; a quality: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painting.) das Merkmal
    2) (one of the parts of one's face (eyes, nose etc): She has very regular features.) der Gesichtszug
    3) (a special article in a newspaper: `The Times' is doing a feature on holidays.) der Sonderartikel
    4) (the main film in a cinema programme etc: The feature begins at 7.30; ( also adjective) a feature film.) der Hauptfilm, Haupt-...
    2. verb
    (to give or have a part (especially an important one): That film features the best of the British actresses.) darstellen
    * * *
    [ˈfi:tʃəʳ, AM -ɚ]
    I. n
    1. (aspect) Merkmal nt, Kennzeichen nt, Charakteristikum nt
    key \feature Hauptmerkmal nt
    the best \feature of sb/sth das Beste an jdm/etw
    distinguishing \feature besonderes Merkmal, Unterscheidungsmerkmal nt
    redeeming \feature ausgleichendes Moment, Lichtblick m
    regular \feature fester Bestandteil
    the worst \feature of sb/sth die negativste Eigenschaft einer Person/einer S. gen
    to make a \feature of sth (in room) etw zu einem Blickfang machen; (event) etw zu einer Attraktion machen
    2. (equipment) Ausrüstung f
    special \feature Besonderheit f; (in a car) Extra nt
    standard \feature serienmäßiges Zubehörteil
    3. usu pl (land) Besonderheit f
    landscape \feature landschaftliche Besonderheit
    \features pl Gesichtszüge pl
    to have regular/strong \features regelmäßige/ausgeprägte Gesichtszüge haben
    5. (report) Sonderbeitrag m (on + gen)
    6. (film) Spielfilm m
    double \feature zwei Spielfilme in einem
    main \feature Hauptfilm m
    II. vt
    to \feature sth etw aufweisen
    the new model \features air-conditioning as standard das neue Modell ist serienmäßig mit einer Klimaanlage ausgestattet
    2. (star)
    to \feature sb jdn in der Hauptrolle zeigen
    3. (exhibit)
    to \feature sth etw groß herausbringen; in an exhibition etw ausstellen [o zeigen
    to \feature sth über etw akk groß berichten
    to \feature a product für ein Produkt besonders werben
    III. vi
    1. (appear)
    to \feature somewhere irgendwo erscheinen [o vorkommen]
    a good salary \features high on the list of things she wants from a job ein gutes Gehalt steht ganz oben auf der Liste der Dinge, die sie von einer Stelle erwartet
    to \feature in sth in one's plans in etw dat vorkommen
    2. (act)
    to \feature in a film in einem Film [mit]spielen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (facial) (Gesichts)zug m

    to have strong/delicate features — markante/feine Gesichtszüge haben

    2) (= characteristic) Merkmal nt, Kennzeichen nt, Charakteristikum nt; (of sb's character) Grundzug m

    a feature of his style is... — sein Stil ist durch... gekennzeichnet

    a feature of this book is... — das Buch zeichnet sich durch... aus

    3) (= focal point of room, building etc) besonderes or herausragendes Merkmal

    to make a feature of sth — etw besonders betonen, etw zur Geltung bringen

    the old volcano, the dominant feature of the island,... — der die Insel dominierende alte Vulkan...

    4) (PRESS) (Sonder)beitrag m, Feature nt; (RAD, TV) (Dokumentar)bericht m, Feature nt
    5) (= film) Spielfilm m
    2. vt
    1) (PRESS) story, picture bringen

    the album features their latest hit singleauf dem Album ist auch ihre neueste Hitsingle

    3. vi
    1) (= occur) vorkommen
    2) (FILM) (mit)spielen
    * * *
    feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)]
    A s
    1. (Gesichts)Zug m, pl Gesicht(szüge) n(pl), Züge pl, Aussehen n
    2. charakteristischer oder wichtiger (Bestand)Teil, Grundzug m
    3. Merkmal n ( auch JUR einer Erfindung), Charakteristikum n, (Haupt)Eigenschaft f, Hauptpunkt m, Besonderheit f:
    feature of construction TECH Konstruktionsmerkmal;
    distinctive feature Unterscheidungsmerkmal;
    make a feature of sth etwas besonders hervorheben
    4. (Haupt)Attraktion f
    5. Feature n:
    a) auch feature program(me) ( RADIO, TV) Sendung in Form eines aus Reportagen, Kommentaren und Dialogen zusammengesetzten (Dokumentar)Berichtes
    b) auch feature article ( oder story) (Zeitung) zu einem aktuellen Anlass herausgegebener, besonders aufgemachter Text- od Bildbeitrag
    c) auch feature film Haupt-, Spielfilm m
    B v/t
    1. charakterisieren, in den Grundzügen schildern
    2. als (Haupt)Attraktion zeigen oder bringen, groß herausbringen oder -stellen
    3. in der Hauptrolle zeigen:
    a film featuring X ein Film mit X in der Hauptrolle
    4. kennzeichnen, bezeichnend sein für
    5. (als Besonderheit) haben oder aufweisen, sich auszeichnen durch
    6. US umg sich etwas vorstellen
    7. umg jemandem ähnlich sehen
    C v/i sl bumsen (Geschlechtsverkehr haben) ( with mit)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) usu. in pl. (part of face) Gesichtszug, der
    2) (distinctive characteristic) [charakteristisches] Merkmal

    make a feature of something — etwas [sehr] betonen od. herausstellen

    3) (Journ. etc.) Reportage, die; Feature, das
    4) (Cinemat.)

    feature [film] — Hauptfilm, der; Spielfilm der

    5) (Radio, Telev.)

    feature [programme] — Feature, das

    2. transitive verb
    (make attraction of) vorrangig vorstellen; (give special prominence to) (in film) in der Hauptrolle zeigen; (in show) als Stargast präsentieren
    3. intransitive verb
    1) (be feature) vorkommen
    2) (be [important] participant)

    feature in something — eine [bedeutende] Rolle bei etwas spielen

    * * *
    (article) n.
    feuilleton (Artikel) n. n.
    Eigenschaft f.
    Einrichtung f.
    Fähigkeit f.
    Gesichtszug m.
    Merkmal -e n. v.
    sich auszeichnen durch ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > feature

  • 16 caracterizar

    1 to characterize.
    con la amabilidad que la caracteriza with the kindness so typical of her
    2 to portray.
    3 to make up.
    * * *
    1 (determinar) to characterize, portray
    2 (enaltecer) to characterize
    3 (representar) to play well
    1 (distinguirse) to be characterized
    2 (vestirse, arreglarse) to dress up (de, as)
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [gen] to characterize; (=distinguir) to distinguish, set apart; (=tipificar) to typify
    2) (Teat) [+ papel] to play with great effect
    3) (=honrar) to confer (a) distinction on, confer an honour on
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (distinguir, ser típico de) to characterize
    2) ( describir) to portray, depict
    3) (Teatr) ( encarnar) to play, portray

    caracterizarse por algoenfermedad/región/raza to be characterized by something; persona to be noted for something

    * * *
    = characterise [characterize, -USA], profile, beset (with/by).
    Ex. Works from international publishing houses may be more difficult to characterise in this way.
    Ex. He was profiled in April 1972 as the Wilson Library Bulletin front-liner.
    Ex. Since 1963 they have produced their own bibliographic listings with various degrees of efficiency and comprehensiveness but usually with the same depressing tardiness in recording new publications which has so beset the UNDEX listings.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (distinguir, ser típico de) to characterize
    2) ( describir) to portray, depict
    3) (Teatr) ( encarnar) to play, portray

    caracterizarse por algoenfermedad/región/raza to be characterized by something; persona to be noted for something

    * * *
    = characterise [characterize, -USA], profile, beset (with/by).

    Ex: Works from international publishing houses may be more difficult to characterise in this way.

    Ex: He was profiled in April 1972 as the Wilson Library Bulletin front-liner.
    Ex: Since 1963 they have produced their own bibliographic listings with various degrees of efficiency and comprehensiveness but usually with the same depressing tardiness in recording new publications which has so beset the UNDEX listings.

    * * *
    A (distinguir, ser típico de) to characterize
    los síntomas que caracterizan la enfermedad the symptoms which characterize the illness o which are characteristic of the illness
    con la franqueza que lo caracteriza with his characteristic frankness
    B (describir) to portray, depict
    lo caracterizó como el suceso más importante del año he described it as the most important event of the year
    C ( Teatr) (encarnar) to play, portray
    caracterizarse POR algo to be characterized BY sth
    se caracteriza por su gran potencia it is characterized by its great power, its characteristic feature is its great power
    se caracteriza por su franqueza he is noted o known for his frankness
    el discurso se caracterizó por su tono conciliador the speech was characterized by its conciliatory tone, the main feature of the speech was its conciliatory tone
    * * *

    caracterizar ( conjugate caracterizar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( distinguir) to characterize;

    2 ( describir) to portray, depict
    3 (Teatr) ( encarnar) to play, portray
    caracterizarse verbo pronominal: caracterizarse por algo [enfermedad/región/raza] to be characterized by sth;
    [ persona] to be noted for sth
    caracterizar verbo transitivo
    1 (diferenciar) to characterize
    2 (a un personaje) to play
    ' caracterizar' also found in these entries:
    - mark
    * * *
    1. [definir] to characterize;
    un rasgo que caracteriza a la especie a trait which characterizes the species;
    con la amabilidad que la caracteriza with the kindness so typical of her
    2. [representar] to portray;
    caracterizar a alguien to portray sb
    3. [maquillar] to make up
    * * *
    v/t characterize; TEA play (the part of)
    * * *
    caracterizar {21} vt
    : to characterize

    Spanish-English dictionary > caracterizar

  • 17 ce|cha

    f 1. (właściwość) feature, quality; (osoby) characteristic, trait
    - cecha charakterystyczna czegoś a distinctive a. characteristic feature of sth
    - cecha dodatnia/ujemna a positive/negative feature a. characteristic
    - cecha narodowa/rodzinna a national/family characteristic
    - cecha charakteru a (character) trait, a characteristic
    - cechy dziedziczne inherited characteristics
    - cechy wrodzone innate a. inborn characteristics a. qualities
    - druga ważna cecha to… the second important feature is…
    - utwór ma wiele cech powieści historycznej the work has many of the characteristics a. features of a historical novel
    - mimo pewnych cech wspólnych są to jednak odrębne style despite certain common features, these are nevertheless different styles
    - odznaczać się cechami przywódczymi to show leadership qualities
    - miał cechy dobrego organizatora he had the qualities of a good organizer
    - odziedziczyła wiele cech po matce she inherited a lot of her mother’s qualities a. characteristics
    2. (znak) (urzędu) (official) stamp; (fabryki) trademark 3. Filoz. quality 4. Geog. spot height 5. Techn. tool for marking trees for cutting
    - □ absolutna cecha rzeczy Filoz. primary quality
    - cecha legalizacyjna Techn. verification mark
    - cecha logarytmu Mat. characteristic
    - cecha recesywna Biol. recessive (trait)
    - cechy nabyte Biol. acquired characteristics
    - cechy palingenetyczne Biol. ancestral characteristics repeated in the embryonic development of an animal
    - cechy podobieństwa/przystawania trójkątów Mat. the properties of similar/congruent triangles
    - wtórne cechy płciowe Biol. secondary sexual characteristics

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > ce|cha

  • 18 dla

    praep. 1. (przeznaczony) for
    - dla kogoś for sb
    - pokój dla dzieci a room for children, a children’s room
    - krem do twarzy dla kobiet po czterdziestce a face cream for women over forty
    - książki dla dzieci books for children, children’s books
    - film dla dorosłych a film for adults, an adult film
    - zasiłki dla bezrobotnych unemployment benefits
    - zasiłki dla samotnych matek benefits for single mothers
    - pomoc dla powodzian aid for flood victims
    - kurs dla początkujących/zaawansowanych a beginners’/an advanced course
    - przedział dla palących/niepalących a smoking/non-smoking compartment
    - „dla panów/pań” (napis na drzwiach toalety) ‘ladies/gentlemen’
    - lekarstwo dla mojego ojca some medicine for my father
    - dla kogo są te kwiaty? who are these flowers for?
    - kupiła prezenty dla całej rodziny she bought presents for the whole family
    - przesyłam ukłony dla małżonki książk. please give my regards to your wife
    2. (w celu zapewnienia) for
    - dla czegoś for sth
    - dla pozoru for the sake of appearance
    - dla własnego dobra for one’s own good
    - zrobić coś dla efektu/wygody/zysku to do sth for effect/for the sake of convenience/for profit
    - grać na skrzypcach dla przyjemności to play the violin for (one’s own) pleasure
    - wyjść za mąż/ożenić się dla pieniędzy to marry for money
    - tupać nogami dla rozgrzewki to stamp one’s feet to get warm
    - wypić coś dla ochłody to drink sth to cool off
    - wystawa została zorganizowana dla uczczenia stulecia uczelni the exhibition was mounted for the university’s centenary celebrations
    - nosić broń dla własnego bezpieczeństwa to carry arms for one’s own safety
    - zażywać witamin dla wzmocnienia organizmu to take vitamins to strengthen one’s body
    3. (wobec, względem) for
    - podziw/szacunek dla kogoś admiration/respect for sb
    - sympatia/miłość dla kogoś liking/love for sb
    - poparcie dla partii/wniosku support a. backing for a party/motion
    - nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla takiego zachowania there’s no excuse for such behaviour
    - miły/uprzejmy dla kogoś nice/kind to sb
    - przyjemny dla oka/ucha pleasing to the eye/ear
    - przyjazny dla środowiska environment-friendly
    - szkodliwy dla środowiska/zdrowia harmful a. damaging to the environment/to health
    4. (jeśli chodzi o) for
    - dla kogoś/czegoś for sb/sth
    - podjazd dogodny dla inwalidów/wózków a ramp (convenient) for the handicapped/for prams
    - sytuacja korzystna/niekorzystna dla przedsiębiorstwa a favourable/an unfavourable situation for the company
    - tragiczna dla obrońców klęska a tragic defeat for the defenders
    - charakterystyczny dla kogoś/czegoś characteristic of sb/sth
    - to dla niego typowe it’s typical of him
    - z typowym a. charakterystycznym dla siebie optymizmem with (his/her) typical a. characteristic optimism
    - nie dla kogoś not for sb
    - nie dla mnie takie życie that’s no life for me
    - gotowanie – to nie dla mnie cooking is not for me a. not my kind of thing
    - to nie jest facet dla ciebie this is not the (right) guy for you
    - to nie jest praca dla ciebie this is not the/a job for you
    - obszar niedostępny dla turystów an area out of bounds GB a. off limits US to tourists
    - dźwięki niesłyszalne dla ludzkiego ucha sounds inaudible to the human ear
    - myśliwce niewykrywalne dla radaru fighters undetectable by radar
    5. (w opinii) for, to
    - dla kogoś for a. to sb
    - to był dla niej wielki szok it was a great shock to a. for her
    - dla mnie nie ma nic piękniejszego od tych wierszy to a. for me there’s nothing more beautiful than those poems
    - dla nich liczą się tylko pieniądze for a. with them, money is the only thing that counts
    - będzie to dla nich dowód, że mam rację this will show them a. prove to them that I’m right
    - (jak) dla mnie ten film był zbyt długi as far as I’m concerned a. for me, the film was too long
    6. (z powodu, dla dobra) for
    - dla kogoś/czegoś for sb/sth
    - porzuciła go dla jakiegoś cudzoziemca she dropped him for some foreigner
    - poświecić wszystko dla rodziny to sacrifice everything for (the sake of) one’s family
    - oddać życie dla ojczyzny to sacrifice one’s life for one’s country
    - stracić głowę dla kogoś to lose one’s head over sb
    7. [pracować] for (kogoś/czegoś sb/sth)
    - (ona) kręci filmy dla telewizji she makes films for television
    - (on) tłumaczy dla firmy prawniczej he does translations for a law firm
    8. książk. (przyczyna) for, because of
    - dla czegoś for a. because of sth
    - ryby hodowane dla smacznego mięsa fish bred for their tasty flesh
    - rośliny uprawiane dla jadalnych owoców plants grown for their edible fruit
    - na dziki polowano dla mięsa wild boar were hunted for their meat
    - dla ważnych powodów odłożył spotkanie important considerations caused him to postpone the meeting
    * * *
    (+gen) ( dla oznaczenia przeznaczenia) for; ( wobec) to, towards
    * * *
    + Gen.
    1. for; dla mnie/ciebie/ich for me/you/them; dla niej czas się nie liczy for her, time doesn't count; dla frajdy/przyjemności/zysku for fun l. kicks/pleasure/gain; dla twojego l. twego dobra for your own good; dla wspólnego dobra for the common good; dla zasady on principle; kupić/zrobić coś dla kogoś buy/do sth for sb; mieć coś wyłącznie dla siebie keep sth to o.s.; ważny dla sprawy important for the cause.
    3. ( tłumaczone przez złożenie) klatka dla ptaków birdcage; kładka dla pieszych footbridge; przejście dla pieszych crosswalk; Br. pedestrian crossing.
    4. to; być grzecznym l. miłym dla kogoś be nice to sb; grzeczny/życzliwy dla (osób) starszych polite/kind to the elderly; szkodliwy dla zdrowia harmful to your health.
    5. (z rzeczownikiem odczasownikowym: tłumaczone bezokolicznikiem z „to”) dla zachowania pozorów to keep up the pretense, Br. to keep up the pretence; dla zatarcia śladów to cover one's tracks.
    7. ( w utartych zwrotach) dla chcącego nic trudnego where there's a will there's a way; dla każdego coś miłego (there's) something for everyone; nie dla psa kiełbasa! pog. it's too good for the likes of you!

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > dla

  • 19 debido a

    due to, as a matter of, for, because of.
    * * *
    due to, owing to, because of
    * * *
    = be reason of, because of, by reason of, by virtue of, due to, for reasons of, in connection with, in light of, in the face of, in the interest(s) of, in the light of, on account of, on grounds, on the grounds that/of, owing to, thanks to, out of, because
    Ex. For fifty years impregnated papers have been used which turn dark at every point where an electrical contact touches them by reason of the chemical change thus produced in a iodine compound included in the paper.
    Ex. This makes him feel somehow defficient and all because of his difficulty in making sense out of words in print with which his troubles began.
    Ex. In order that the picture may not be too commonplace, by reason of sticking to present-day patterns, it may be well to mention one such possibility.
    Ex. For example, the set of documents about 'programmed instruction' forms a class by virtue of sharing the common characteristic of subject content.
    Ex. This is in part due to the different stages of development reached by different libraries.
    Ex. It is important to recognise, then, that a variety of different indexing approaches are inevitable, not only for reasons of history and indexer preference, but because different situations demand different approaches.
    Ex. There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex. This is essentially the traditional enterprise of cataloguing theory, but it is explored in light of current standards and developments.
    Ex. In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.
    Ex. In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex. In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.
    Ex. Partly on account of the variety of bases for coverage there is significant overlap between the assortment of abstracting and indexing services.
    Ex. Apart from differing needs of users, indexing approaches may differ on policy grounds.
    Ex. AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.
    Ex. The simplest KWIC indexes are unattractive and tedious to scan owing to their physical format and typeface.
    Ex. It is a matter of some small pride that my account of the eighteenth edition of Dewey appeared at about the same time as the official publication of the scheme itself, thanks to the cooperation of the editor, Mr Ben Custer.
    Ex. But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.
    Ex. In practice, many cataloguers favour the direct catalogue partly because it is simpler for the cataloguer to compile.
    * * *
    = be reason of, because of, by reason of, by virtue of, due to, for reasons of, in connection with, in light of, in the face of, in the interest(s) of, in the light of, on account of, on grounds, on the grounds that/of, owing to, thanks to, out of, because

    Ex: For fifty years impregnated papers have been used which turn dark at every point where an electrical contact touches them by reason of the chemical change thus produced in a iodine compound included in the paper.

    Ex: This makes him feel somehow defficient and all because of his difficulty in making sense out of words in print with which his troubles began.
    Ex: In order that the picture may not be too commonplace, by reason of sticking to present-day patterns, it may be well to mention one such possibility.
    Ex: For example, the set of documents about 'programmed instruction' forms a class by virtue of sharing the common characteristic of subject content.
    Ex: This is in part due to the different stages of development reached by different libraries.
    Ex: It is important to recognise, then, that a variety of different indexing approaches are inevitable, not only for reasons of history and indexer preference, but because different situations demand different approaches.
    Ex: There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex: This is essentially the traditional enterprise of cataloguing theory, but it is explored in light of current standards and developments.
    Ex: In the face of present priorities and staff commitments, the Library feels that it cannot undertake a comprehensive study of the subject heading system that would pave the way for a major restructuring of the system.
    Ex: In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex: In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.
    Ex: Partly on account of the variety of bases for coverage there is significant overlap between the assortment of abstracting and indexing services.
    Ex: Apart from differing needs of users, indexing approaches may differ on policy grounds.
    Ex: AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.
    Ex: The simplest KWIC indexes are unattractive and tedious to scan owing to their physical format and typeface.
    Ex: It is a matter of some small pride that my account of the eighteenth edition of Dewey appeared at about the same time as the official publication of the scheme itself, thanks to the cooperation of the editor, Mr Ben Custer.
    Ex: But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.
    Ex: In practice, many cataloguers favour the direct catalogue partly because it is simpler for the cataloguer to compile.

    Spanish-English dictionary > debido a

  • 20 implicar

    1 to involve.
    2 to mean, to imply.
    Esto supone un riesgo This entails a risk.
    Esto conlleva tener cuidado This involves to take much care.
    3 to implicate, to involve.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (conllevar) to imply
    2 (involucrar) to implicate, involve (en, in)
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=involucrar) to involve

    las partes implicadas — the interested parties, the parties concerned

    2) (=significar) to imply

    esto no implica que... — this does not mean that...

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (significar, conllevar) to entail, involve
    2) (envolver, enredar) to involve

    estuvo implicado en un delito — ( participó) he was involved in a crime; ( estuvo bajo sospecha) he was implicated in a crime

    implicarse v pron to get involved
    * * *
    = amount to, assume, entail, imply, involve, mean, implicate.
    Ex. One of the characteristic features of a post-coordinate indexing system is that searching amounts to more than making a note of the records listed under one index heading.
    Ex. The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.
    Ex. Secondly, the admission of rules incompatible with the general ideology adopted inevitably entails subsequent remedial revision.
    Ex. Omission does not imply that those areas are not important.
    Ex. Generating author indexes or catalogues involves creating headings from author's names, that is the names of persons or organisations.
    Ex. These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex. Therefore aesthetic criteria of value are not objective but deeply implicated in social ideology.
    * implicarse = involve, implicate + Reflexivo.
    * implicarse en = get + involved with/in.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (significar, conllevar) to entail, involve
    2) (envolver, enredar) to involve

    estuvo implicado en un delito — ( participó) he was involved in a crime; ( estuvo bajo sospecha) he was implicated in a crime

    implicarse v pron to get involved
    * * *
    = amount to, assume, entail, imply, involve, mean, implicate.

    Ex: One of the characteristic features of a post-coordinate indexing system is that searching amounts to more than making a note of the records listed under one index heading.

    Ex: The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.
    Ex: Secondly, the admission of rules incompatible with the general ideology adopted inevitably entails subsequent remedial revision.
    Ex: Omission does not imply that those areas are not important.
    Ex: Generating author indexes or catalogues involves creating headings from author's names, that is the names of persons or organisations.
    Ex: These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex: Therefore aesthetic criteria of value are not objective but deeply implicated in social ideology.
    * implicarse = involve, implicate + Reflexivo.
    * implicarse en = get + involved with/in.

    * * *
    implicar [A2 ]
    A (significar, conllevar) to entail, involve
    los riesgos que su decisión implica the risks that his decision entails o involves
    no implica que pierda la titularidad it does not mean o imply that you lose ownership, it does not involve o entail you losing ownership
    implicaría la pérdida de 500 puestos de trabajo it would mean o entail o involve the loss of 500 jobs
    B (envolver, enredar) to involve
    los guardianes presuntamente implicados en la fuga the guards allegedly involved in the escape
    estuvo implicado en varios delitos de fraude (tomó parte) he was involved in several cases of fraud; (estuvo bajo sospecha) he was implicated in several cases of fraud
    to get involved
    * * *


    implicar ( conjugate implicar) verbo transitivo
    1 (significar, conllevar) to entail, involve
    2 (envolver, enredar) to involve;

    ( estuvo bajo sospecha) he was implicated in a crime
    implicarse verbo pronominal
    to get involved
    implicar verbo transitivo
    1 (comprometer) to involve, implicate [en, in]: está implicado en un robo, he's involved in a robbery
    2 (comportar) to imply: que se besen no implica que sean amantes, just because they kiss it doesn't mean that they are having an affair
    ' implicar' also found in these entries:
    - comprometer
    - enredar
    - envolver
    - conllevar
    - embrollar
    - involucrar
    - suponer
    - entail
    - implicate
    - involve
    - mean
    - must
    - imply
    * * *
    1. [conllevar] to involve (en in);
    la protección del medio ambiente implica sacrificios protecting the environment involves o means making sacrifices
    2. Der [involucrar] to implicate (en in);
    lo implicaron en el asesinato he was implicated in the murder
    3. [significar, suponer] to mean, to imply;
    dije que sí, lo que no implica que vaya a participar I said yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll take part
    * * *
    1 mean, imply;
    eso no implica que … that does not mean that …
    2 ( involucrar) involve (en in); en un delito implicate (en in)
    * * *
    implicar {72} vt
    1) enredar, envolver: to involve, to implicate
    2) : to imply
    * * *
    1. (incluir) to involve
    2. (significar) to mean [pt. & pp. meant]

    Spanish-English dictionary > implicar

См. также в других словарях:

  • Characteristic polynomial — This article is about the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. For the characteristic polynomial of a matroid, see Matroid. For that of a graded poset, see Graded poset. In linear algebra, one associates a polynomial to every square matrix: its …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic function (probability theory) — The characteristic function of a uniform U(–1,1) random variable. This function is real valued because it corresponds to a random variable that is symmetric around the origin; however in general case characteristic functions may be complex valued …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic class — In mathematics, a characteristic class is a way of associating to each principal bundle on a topological space X a cohomology class of X. The cohomology class measures the extent to which the bundle is twisted particularly, whether it possesses… …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic set — The mathematical concept of a characteristic set was discovered in the late forties by J.F. Ritt. Besides Gröbner basis method, it provides an alternative algorithmic way for solving multivariate polynomial equations or differential equations.In… …   Wikipedia

  • characteristic — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ defining, distinctive, distinguishing, identifying, individual, special, striking, unique ▪ Mobility is the defining characteris …   Collocations dictionary

  • Characteristic earthquakes — Almost all geology is fractal and scale invariant. That means you should always put in a scale when taking pictures of rock formations. For example, in this picture, you can’t tell if it is 6 m or 6 km across. It’s actually an ASTER satellite… …   Wikipedia

  • important — adj. VERBS ▪ be, seem, sound ▪ Someone left a message for you it sounded important. ▪ become ▪ remain ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Characteristic earthquake — A characteristic earthquake is a repeating, large earthquake that occurs more frequently than local seismic monitoring would suggest.[1] Characteristic earthquakes are usually defined from paleoseismology observations. This has important… …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic length — A characteristic length is an important dimension that defines the scale of a physical system. Often such a length is used as an input to a formula in order to predict some characteristics of the system. Examples: Reynolds number Biot number… …   Wikipedia

  • Euler characteristic — In mathematics, and more specifically in algebraic topology and polyhedral combinatorics, the Euler characteristic is a topological invariant, a number that describes one aspect of a topological space s shape or structure. It is commonly denoted… …   Wikipedia

  • List of important publications in mathematics — One of the oldest surviving fragments of Euclid s Elements, found at Oxyrhynchus and dated to circa AD 100. The diagram accompanies Book II, Proposition 5.[1] This is a list of important publications in mathematics, organized by field. Some… …   Wikipedia

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